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Poetry Masterclass with Luke Thompson
6.30-8.30pm March 7th online £23/18 pay whichever suits your wage
‘If I Could Talk to the Animals…’
Writing with the natural world, a poetry workshop with Luke Thompson
Luke Thompson is a poet and publisher from Cornwall. His books include the poetry collection Singing about melon, a biography of the poet Jack Clemo entitled Clay Phoenix, and a five-book series of titles on the European eel in collaboration with the artist John Kilburn. Luke is the founder of the publishing company Guillemot Press. He is currently working on a book on Cornish literature for Macmillan Classics and a book about conversing with animals. In this workshop Luke will introduce some innovative poetic and artistic approaches to writing about – and writing with – other species, encouraging us to give it a go. Suitable for beginners and experienced poets.